A logo for the Press Architecture brand.

Architecture, design, and consulting

PRESS was established in response to the growing need for more sustainable-forward building solutions. We embrace mass timber and innovative technologies that press the building industry forward.



Founded in 2021, PRESS is an award-winning architectural practice based in Spokane, WA with roots and experience from across the US. The practice is led by Drew Kleman, AIA, backed by his almost 20 years of experience in the building industry.

PRESS brings a fresh design approach to the Inland NW Mass timber and sustainable building solutions should be more attainable to our community. We are breaking down barriers and creating design solutions that do just that: bring mass timber to the masses.

PRESS is rooted in the idea that everyone at the table is valued equally - and treated with trust and respect. Just as important as equitable space - we seek to build a better and more equitable architectural practice in our everyday work.

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